Training camp dates: 2nd July - 4th July
Accommodation: Will be in 2 person cabins at the Frankton Motor camp. Camp includes kitchen facilities, bathrooms and bunk beds. This will be the base location for the training camp and it is advised for the smooth running of the training camp that all athletes stay here.
Nutrition: On Friday a main evening meal will be provided. On Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided and on Sunday breakfast will be provided. All meals are nutritionally planed for optimal recovery and training performance.
* Athletes will need to supply their own snacks and training nutrition as they see fit on top of the supplied meals.
** Please notify us of any special food requirements.
Training camp Outline
· Friday:
- Travel to Queenstown, individually or shared transport between athletes
- Meet in Queenstown at 3pm/ as soon as you can get there
- Kayaking à run àbike brick session, as time allows.
- Nutrition presentation
· Saturday:
- P2P specific sweat rate assessment
· Kayak -->run brick session
- Afternoon ski session at Remarks
- MTB descent from Remarks after skiing + ride back to accommodation along MTB course
- Optional evening run -> bike -> run session
- Meet in Queenstown at 3pm/ as soon as you can get there
- Kayaking à run àbike brick session, as time allows.
- Nutrition presentation
· Saturday:
- P2P specific sweat rate assessment
· Kayak -->run brick session
- Afternoon ski session at Remarks
- MTB descent from Remarks after skiing + ride back to accommodation along MTB course
- Optional evening run -> bike -> run session
- Transition / gear presentation and individual planning of race plan and transitions
- Gear prep race simulation
· Sunday:
Race simulation
- Kayak
- Run
- Uphill ride to Coronet peak
- Travel home in evening
- Final debrief and pack up
- Gear prep race simulation
· Sunday:
Race simulation
- Kayak
- Run
- Uphill ride to Coronet peak
- Travel home in evening
- Final debrief and pack up
Here is what some athletes said about the 2009 P2P training camp
“The price was great for the whole weekend. Everything was run really well, lots of food, lots of coach contact time etc.”
“Was good to learn so much about the race and other aspects i.e. nutrition.”
“The evening presentations contained a lot of information that was new to me, and that will help me immensely to prep for the actual race. The biggest point for me was learning about race nutrition (how much and when to fuel myself).”
“To sum it up: I learnt a lot of lessons about myself, the sport, equipment and nutrition. I am so glad I joined you! The knowledge I gained during the camp will allow me to prepare well for the actual P2P race and other races.”
What’s different this year?
At Exponential Performance Coaching it’s all about improving performance and getting better. So this year there will be a few changes to the camp to make it better for you.
1/ Accommodation: After feedback from last year’s camp it was found that 3 athletes per room was a bit cramped, so this year we plan to sleep 2 athletes per room so things are a bit more comfortable.
2/ This year’s camp will include a Peak 2 Peak specific sweat rate assessment. This will allow detailed calculation of your sweat rate in the specific environment you will be racing in. From this information we can tailor your hydration plan for optimal performance.
3/ Presentations: It has been a year since the last P2P evening presentations and these have been altered to include the latest up to date information to aid your performance + some special topics on the latest sport science information.
- The space on this training camp is limited to 8 athletes, so entrance into the camp is on a first in first severed basis.
- Please register your interest by Friday the 11th June so bookings can be made.
“The price was great for the whole weekend. Everything was run really well, lots of food, lots of coach contact time etc.”
“Was good to learn so much about the race and other aspects i.e. nutrition.”
“The evening presentations contained a lot of information that was new to me, and that will help me immensely to prep for the actual race. The biggest point for me was learning about race nutrition (how much and when to fuel myself).”
“To sum it up: I learnt a lot of lessons about myself, the sport, equipment and nutrition. I am so glad I joined you! The knowledge I gained during the camp will allow me to prepare well for the actual P2P race and other races.”
What’s different this year?
At Exponential Performance Coaching it’s all about improving performance and getting better. So this year there will be a few changes to the camp to make it better for you.
1/ Accommodation: After feedback from last year’s camp it was found that 3 athletes per room was a bit cramped, so this year we plan to sleep 2 athletes per room so things are a bit more comfortable.
2/ This year’s camp will include a Peak 2 Peak specific sweat rate assessment. This will allow detailed calculation of your sweat rate in the specific environment you will be racing in. From this information we can tailor your hydration plan for optimal performance.
3/ Presentations: It has been a year since the last P2P evening presentations and these have been altered to include the latest up to date information to aid your performance + some special topics on the latest sport science information.
- The space on this training camp is limited to 8 athletes, so entrance into the camp is on a first in first severed basis.
- Please register your interest by Friday the 11th June so bookings can be made.
If you have any questions please let me know
Matty Graham
Sport Scientist and Performance Coach
Exponential Performance Coaching
Matty Graham
Sport Scientist and Performance Coach
Exponential Performance Coaching