Monday, September 21, 2009

This week at Exponential Performance Coaching

Squad paddle

The Exponential Performance Squad kayak sessions will recommence Wednesday 23rd September at 7.30am. Meet down at the Otago university rowing club and be prepared to start paddling at 7.30am. Over the next 4 weeks the focus will be on technique and base endurance development in preperation for the Coast to Coast. Cost of these sessons is $20 or sign up for 5 weeks for $80.

Squad run

The Exponential Performance Squad running sessions will not be held for the next month. Following this it will recommence with a focus on Coast to Coast specific running development. Watch this space.

EPC squad runs will focus on Coast to Coast specific training when they start again in approx 1 month

Coast to Coast Training information

For those athletes training for the Coast to Coast this week, marks 21 weeks until the race. This week you should focus on again resting and recovering from your winter training phase. Over this week complete the following sessions in order to maintain your winter fitness but at the same time re-charge your batteries. 1x45min à Zone 2, off road run; 1 x45-60minà Zone 2 flat easy rides in an easy gear and 1-3 kayak sessions with a focus on technique and stability. Also this is the prefect time to take care of any niggling injuries or muscle imbalances.

EPC athletes at the races

Good luck to Hannah Yeats, Charlotte Breeze and Rachel King who are competing in the 12hour Springs Challenge adventure race this weekend in Lake Rotoiti, up in Nelson Lakes National Park.

Exponential Performance Coaching training tip of the week

Training partners can be very useful to help you maintain motivation, keep you company and for safety. However do not let your training partner take the benefits away for YOUR training session. You have an aim for your session and this is important for your performance development. Make sure you communicate with your training partner and let them know that you are going to be doing YOUR training. If they want to join you then that's fine but never sacrifice your training for them. Try and find a training partner or similar ability to you, with similar goals and who understands that you have specific training to do and its not just a gossip or easy session.

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