Monday, November 16, 2009

This week at Exponential Performance Coaching

Squad paddle
The Exponential Performance Squad kayak sessions will be held on Wednesday as usual. This session will start at 7.30am from the University Rowing club. This week’s session will be focused on technique and endurance development. These sessions are $20 each or sign up for 5 sessions for $80.
Squad run
The Exponential Performance Squad running sessions will return to the normal day and time of Wednesday at 5.30pm.
This week we will how ever be meeting at Tomohawak beach for a sand dune session. This session is ideal for developing your strength endurance while targeting your threshold. These sessions are ideal cross training for those training for cycling so come along and be part of a specifically structured session. Training in a squad environment has been shown to get better results than training alone as you push yourself more than you would by yourself so come work hard and have some fun training with others.
The Cost of these sessions are $15 per session or sign up for 4 sessions for $50.
Coast to Coast Training camp
There are a few spots still available on the C2C training camps. So if you are interested in attending or know of someone who is let me know.
EPC athletes at the races
In challenging windy conditions Nic McAre of Invercargill improved 30min from last year in the Source to Sea 160km cycling race. Well done Nic that is a huge improvement. Chris and Hannah Yeats also had a good day out at the Source 2 Sea cycle race as well in a mixed team. Hannah rode strongly to take 4th overall in her section of the race and Chris came 3rd in his section of the race.
The EPC mountain bike athletes had another good showing at the 45km Kaitangata Black gold MTB race on the weekend. Pam Thompson came 2nd in the Vet woman’s race while Hannah Thorne Finished 3rd place in a tough open woman’s race that saw the top three woman finish with in 1 minute of each other. In his first race in a few months Nick Taylor rode well and finished the race strongly. Well done guys a great day out at the office.
Exponential Performance Coaching tip of the week
Strong windy conditions are perfect for developing strength and mental toughness. Most people see windy days as a good time to stay inside and give training a miss. Do not be one of these people instead see windy days as an opportunity to become stronger for race day.

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