Wednesday, December 9, 2009
EPC athletes at the races

Monday, November 16, 2009
EPC athletes at Kaitangata MTB race

Pam Thompson had a great ride taking 2nd in the Vet woman's section. Over the past month Pam has demonstrated that she is ready for a good up coming summer season.
This week at Exponential Performance Coaching
The Exponential Performance Squad kayak sessions will be held on Wednesday as usual. This session will start at 7.30am from the University Rowing club. This week’s session will be focused on technique and endurance development. These sessions are $20 each or sign up for 5 sessions for $80.
Squad run
The Exponential Performance Squad running sessions will return to the normal day and time of Wednesday at 5.30pm.
This week we will how ever be meeting at Tomohawak beach for a sand dune session. This session is ideal for developing your strength endurance while targeting your threshold. These sessions are ideal cross training for those training for cycling so come along and be part of a specifically structured session. Training in a squad environment has been shown to get better results than training alone as you push yourself more than you would by yourself so come work hard and have some fun training with others.
The Cost of these sessions are $15 per session or sign up for 4 sessions for $50.
Coast to Coast Training camp
There are a few spots still available on the C2C training camps. So if you are interested in attending or know of someone who is let me know.
EPC athletes at the races
In challenging windy conditions Nic McAre of Invercargill improved 30min from last year in the Source to Sea 160km cycling race. Well done Nic that is a huge improvement. Chris and Hannah Yeats also had a good day out at the Source 2 Sea cycle race as well in a mixed team. Hannah rode strongly to take 4th overall in her section of the race and Chris came 3rd in his section of the race.
The EPC mountain bike athletes had another good showing at the 45km Kaitangata Black gold MTB race on the weekend. Pam Thompson came 2nd in the Vet woman’s race while Hannah Thorne Finished 3rd place in a tough open woman’s race that saw the top three woman finish with in 1 minute of each other. In his first race in a few months Nick Taylor rode well and finished the race strongly. Well done guys a great day out at the office.
Exponential Performance Coaching tip of the week
Strong windy conditions are perfect for developing strength and mental toughness. Most people see windy days as a good time to stay inside and give training a miss. Do not be one of these people instead see windy days as an opportunity to become stronger for race day.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Last fortnights athlete profile
Bruce was born in Auckland and has lived in Dunedin for 20 odd years now. Bruce is married to Debs and has four kids, Luke, Wade, Bronson and Chelsey who are his number one Support crew & inspiration to get him through when the pain kicks in. Bruce played mainly team sports in the past, rugby League, soccer, basketball, motorbke Enduros.
Following a motor bike crash a few years ago where he damaged his shoulder Bruce decided he wanted to have a go at a real sport, so took up multisport with the Coast to Coast in mind.
“I had never been in a kayak or on a road bike, or run further than 10kms in my life, so I knew expert training & advice was going to be key in helping me reach my goal, that’s where Matty came in."
“I really enjoy training with EPC. I have met some great people & improved my sports performance, bring on the next challenge (the one day Coast to Coast).”
Past results
Mountain 2 Mountain, 3rd vet men’s.
Peak 2 Peak, 4th vet men’s
Lake Hayes triathlon 1st vet men’s
Ghost 2 Ghost, 3rd vet men’s
Waitri, 2nd vet men’s
Coast 2 Coast 2 day individual, 8th vet men’s
Mountain 2 Mountain, 6th men’s
Peak 2 Peak, 4th vet men’s
Bruce is currently training hard for the one day coast 2 coast 2010 and the 3 day Gold rush multisport race in 2010.
With a lot of drive and focus Bruce is continually improving his performance in all of his disciplines and is well on his way to achieving his next goal.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Waimac classic river race

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This week at Exponential Performance Coaching

Milan training in the St James area over Labour weekend
A number of the Dunedin based EPC athletes are in the middle of end of year University exams. Best of luck to this guys and girls in their studies and exams over the next few weeks.
Exponential Performance Coaching tip of the week
All training weeks are not created equal and this is for a reason. Many endurance athletes do not balance their training load and recovery effectively and end up training moderately hard all of the time, therefore not making any great gains. LOAD weeks are designed to place your body into a state of physiological overload to stimulate adaptation, while your RECOVERY weeks are designed to allow your body to adapt (become fitter and stronger) to the training. If you train hard on your RECOVERY weeks your body will not be able to adapt and you will never get any better. Train hard on your LOAD weeks and take it easy on your RECOVERY weeks.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This week at Exponential Performance Coaching
Squad paddle
The Exponential Performance Squad kayak sessions will be held on Wednesday as usual. This session will start at 7.30am from the University Rowing club. This week’s session will be focused on technique and endurance development.
These sessions are $20 per session or sign up for 5 sessions for $80.
Squad run
The Exponential Performance Squad running sessions are starting this Wednesday at 5.30pm. These sessions are focused on developing off road running skills and fitness while introducing you to different off road training grounds around Dunedin.
The first session will be held from the Woodhugh Malvern Street entrance and will consist of a 1 hour run working on rock hopping skills.
The Cost of these sessions are $15 per session or sign up for 4 sessions for $50.
Coast to Coast Training camp
There has been a lot of interest in this training camp. So much so that it is booked out and there is now a waiting list. With this in mind EPC will be running a 2nd camp on the 16th and 17th to manage with the demand. Those who have registered their interest in the initial camp will be contacted this week regarding paying their registration fee to secure their place on the camp.
Those who have not expressed their interest in attending the camp yet but want to attend then let me know as soon as possible as places are limited and there is a strict limit on numbers due to safety.
Grade two course
There is one spare spot on a grade two course on the 14th and 15th of November. These grade two courses are held in Wanaka by kayak guru Eric Billoud. The cost of these courses are $342. The course in run over twos days with skills and training on the first 1 ½ days then assessment on the final ½ of day two. Let me know if you are interested or know of someone who is interested in attending
EPC athletes at the races
Congratulation to Bruce Ranga who raced in the Pilots Beach to Vauxhall 20km kayak race last weekend. It is clear to see that Bruce’s hard work in the boat is paying off with coming second.

Bruce putting down the power in his new Evolution Omega
Also good luck to Milan Brodina of Methvan, Pam Thompson of Invercargill and Hannah Thorne of Dunedin who take on the Timaru 6 and 12hour mountain bike race as solo competitors this coming weekend, I look forward to catching up with you guys up in Timaru sometime over the 12 hours.
A number of the Dunedin based EPC athletes are in the middle of end of year University exams. Best of luck to these guys and girls in their studies and exams over the next few weeks.
Exponential Performance Coaching tip of the week
In order to gain the maximum benefits of your hard training sessions, make sure you have a meal containing carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes of finishing training. The mix of protein and carbohydrates is critical to stimulate maximal up take by the muscles. Good examples are things such as tuna on rice or pasta, chicken or ham bread rolls, breakfast cereal and milk,, poached eggs on toast or specially formulated recovery shakes.
Happy training
Monday, October 19, 2009
Last weeks athlete profile

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
New Trek TT bike
Check it out below.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Old School Multisport
These videos are a great watch and give an idea of where multisport has come from.
Back in these days there were no grade two certificates (the only qualification you needed was a bushy beard or moustache) and men were real men (none of this shaving your legs stuff).
See if you can spot Steve Gurney in his early days of racing (hes wearing back and white tights).
Also Geoff Hunt the director of the Peak to Peak (he is one of the first off the skis).
Good inspiration to get those kayak skills up to a good level.
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DkyKBYFUXE
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQEHgXxKA50&feature=related
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XYj96OQH98&feature=related
Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FtoD4SBR1Q&feature=related
Part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSORFC731fQ&feature=related
Monday, October 5, 2009
This week at Exponential Performance Coaching
Coast to Coast Training Camp Info
1) Specific C2C terrain training
2) Specific back to back brick sessions
3) Course familiarisation
4) Gain knowledge from others
5) Enjoyment
Dates: This training camp will be held on the 8-9-10th January 2010
Cost: the cost of this training camp is $300. If team athletes want to partake in individual training sessions on the different days such as only do the paddle on Sunday the cost of this is $150.
Numbers: This training camp is limited to 7 athletes. This will be handled on a first in first served basis and athletes already signed up as EPC athletes will be given a place over non-EPC athletes. However non-EPC athletes are more than welcome to attend the camp. A $75 (25% of camp cost) none refundable fee is require within a week of registering to secure a spot on the camp.
This camp will be based from Klondyke Corner just out of Arthurs Pass. This training camp will differ slightly to that of the Peak 2 Peak and Mountain 2 Mountain in that we will be camping at a DOC camp site with tents and meals being the responsibility of the individual.
The training camp will be held over 2 ½ days. See camp outline below.
Coast to Coast training camp 2009
- Arrive at Klondyke corner at 3pm
- Evening rock running session approx 1hour
- Dinner
- Mt run briefing and gear prep discussion
- Coast to Coast nutrition planning
- Early start – drive to Kumara beach
Run 3km --> 55km road bike
- This section will be completed in 2hours30min
- Focus of this session is on developing bunch riding skills
33km Mt run
- This section will be run at a pace that takes 5hours30min to complete
- Focus of this session is on course familiarisation and rock running skills
- Evening will be spent chilling out a relaxing
- River briefing and gear preparation discussion
- Coast to Coast transition planning
- Early start
- 15km cycle to start of kayak section
- 67km Grade two kayak down the Waimac river
- This section will be completed in 5hours30min –depending on river follows
- Focus is on developing river skills, course fimiliarisation and race tactics
Athlete’s responsibilities for training camp
- This is NOT a guided trip it is a training camp.
- All athletes are to have the following level of competency for the safety of themselves and the other on the camp
- Be able to confidently ride in a bunch at 30km+ speeds
- Be comfortable running over rough terrain for prolonged periods of time
- Have a Grade 2 certificate and confidently paddle grade 2 water in their race boat
- Athletes need to bring all required safety gear as outlined in the Coast to Coast rules for each stage of the race.
- If athletes are lacking specific safety gear they may not be allowed to complete the training session.
Out on the river in the 2009 training camp
- Between every two athletes one driver will be required to transport cars, kayaks and bikes to different parts of the course. This is vital for the smooth running of the camp.
Exponential Performance Coaching reserves the right to cancel activities on the training camp, postpone or cancel the training camp if there is a safety issue such as adverse weather conditions, high river follows or athlete inexperience.
If you have any questions let me know
Matty Graham
Last weeks athlete profile
Matt flying through the C2C mt run, 2009
- NPBHS 1st in Arrow 6 Hour Adventure Race Auckland
- NPBHS, NPGHS Winners of the Sir Edmond Hillary ChallengeFive Day Event
- NPBHS, NPGHS 26th in the ARC 12 Hour
- 4th in the Lactic turkey off road half marathon, Auckland
- 2nd in Team Round the Mountain Cycle Challenge
- 7th Rangatiki River Race
- 11th Two Day Individual Coast to Coast
- 7th Mountain to Mountain
'I enjoy EPC because Matty is very knowledgeable about multisport and what is involved to do well. Also the people I have met thus far as made it an enjoyable experience.'
Matt climbing up Snowpark road at the EPC M2M training camp 2009
Springs Challenge
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Technical bike skill inspiration
Monday, September 28, 2009
This week at Exponential Performance Coaching
Last weeks athlete profile

Hannah riding hard out on the road
1st Coast to Coast School Girls team
3rd Open Woman Ghost to Ghost Triathlon
3rd Under 19 girl Motatapu MTB race
2nd Open Women Lake Hayes Triathlon
3rd Open Women Brass Monkey Triathlon
Canterbury Track Cycling team at nationals
1st mixed team Teva Big Day at the Office Race
1st Under 16 female South Island time trial
3rd Under 18 female Le Race1st Under 18 female Around Brunner race
1st Under 18 female Motatapu MTB race
Hannah’s Sponsors
R & R Sport
Em's Power Cookies

Monday, September 21, 2009
This week at Exponential Performance Coaching
EPC squad runs will focus on Coast to Coast specific training when they start again in approx 1 month
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Exponential Performance Coaching Athletes in Action at the M2M
Monday, September 14, 2009
Exponential Performance Coaching weekly update
EPC Coast 2 Coast mountain running clinic 2008
Monday, September 7, 2009
Squad paddle
- This week the squad paddle will start at 7.30am and will take the form of a priming session to keep your body primed for the upcoming M2M race this weekend. Cost $20
Squad run
- This will be held from Bathgate Park in South Dunedin and will take the form of a priming session for this weekend’s M2M and half marathon. This is a great session so if you haven’t made it out to one yet, make sure you get out there at 5.30pm Wednesday evening. Cost $10.
EPC athletes out training in the hills during a group training session earlier this year.
Exponential Performance Athletes at the races
This weekend is a busy weekend for the EPC athletes. For many this is the end of their winter base training which will accumulated in the Mountain 2 Mountain multisport race in Wanaka and for some the half marathon back in Dunedin the next day.
Good luck to Hannah Thorne, Bruce Ranga, Nic McAra, Pam Thompson, Ingrid Vollweiler, Phil Te Tana, Emmah Ussher, Mat Snowdon, Charlotte Breeze and Blake luff who are tackling the M2M this weekend.
Good luck to Paddy Allen, Mat Snowdon, Bruce Ranga, Rosie Taylor, Emmah Ussher and Blake Luff who are taking on the Dunedin 1/2 marathon this weekend
Also good luck to Hannah Yeats who is competing in the Able Tasman Coastal Classic off road running event this weekend as well.
Up coming races
For those looking at the Coast to Coast and the Goldrush multisport races these entries are now open so get in and enter if you want to make sure you don’t miss out.
Exponential Performance Coaching Tip of the week
In the final week leading into a big event you need to take it easy. You have done all the hard training and now you need to let your body recover 100% so that come race day you are fresher than you have ever been. Try and get some extra sleep, eat well and just rest up.
Happy Training.
Friday, September 4, 2009
More photos from M2M training camp
Action out on the river
Striding it out during a kayak -> run->road bike ->MTB brick session
Working hard on the road
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Exponential performance Coaching Weekly Update
Squad paddle and Squad run were cancelled this week as I have been laying low with the flu after the training camp hence the late update as well. Both of these squad sessions will run as usual next week and will take the form of priming sessions targeted at keeping your energy systems primed during the taper period, so you go into the weekend races firing on all cylinders.
M2M Wanaka training camp
Over the weekend 8 keen Exponential Performance Coaching athletes undertook a training camp based in Wanaka (see attached photo). The aim of the training camp was to develop specific M2M race/course knowledge and get the training benefits through the training camp effect.
By day the athletes ran, road biked, MTB, skied and kayaked and at night presentations/ question and answer sessions were under taken so athletes could develop a better understanding of the M2M race, and some applied sport science topics which hopefully opened a few peoples eyes.
It was a big weekend and everyone pushed themselves which was great to see. Now all that is left to do is head into the race feeling confident that you know exactly what you are in for.
Exponential Performance Coaching Blog page
The new Exponential Performance Coaching Blog page has just been developed. The idea is to use this page to post up dates on the goings on of Exponential Performance Athletes and up coming training sessions etc. So go and check it out and sign up as a follower at http://exponentialperformance.blogspot.com/ There is already an update of the M2M training camp and there will be more photos and info posted as we go.
Up coming races
Just remember that M2M early bird entry's close 6th of September and there are not going to be entry's taken after the 10th. So make sure you get in quick. All the info you need is at the following web page http://www.m2mwanaka.com/index.html
The Dunedin 1/2 and full marathon can still be entered up until the 10th of September so if you are planing on doing this get your entry in soon.
Exponential Performance Coaching Training Tip of the week
In the final few weeks before an event, practice running through your race plan while you are training. Work through what you are going to be doing on race day and practice different aspects of this so that come race day everything should be automatic.
Happy training